Research Projects & Cooperations
- NFDI4Objects – CC 1 Knowledge Modelling and Interoperabilityluster and Evaluation of fuzziness and wobbliness in numismatics and ceramology
- DFG-Project: „Datenqualität für Numismatik basierend auf Natural Language Processing und Neuronalen Netzen Data quality for Numismatics based on Natural language processing and Neural Networks (D4N4)
Folgeprojekt von:
“Corpus Nummorum Thracorum. Klassifizierung der Münztypen und semantische Vernetzung über” - eXplainable Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Management – An Interdisciplinary Master’s Program at the Intersection of AI and Health Care (together with Prof. Dr. Gemma Roig).
- AFE-Web – Cooperation project with Römisch Germanischen Kommission (RGK) and cooperation with University of Heidelberg
- European Coin Find Network
CAA Special Interest Group (SIG) on Semantics and LOUD in Archaeology (SIG-DataDragon)
- Objekte.Digitalität.Hochschulen – Klassifizierung – Mustererkennung
Finished …
- BMBF-Project: ClaReNet – „Classifications and Representations for Networks. From types and characteristics to linked open data for Celtic coinages“
- DFG/NCN Beethoven-Project: IMAGMA – Imagines Maiestatis. Barbarian Coins, Elite Identities and the Birth of Europe
- LOEWE-Exploration „Künstliche Intelligenz zur Erschließung kolonialer Verwertungspraktiken archäologischer Objektsammlungen„
- Universal Business Language (UBL) German Localisation SC (DELSC)
Latest Publications
- Deligio, C., von Nicolai, C., Möller, M., Rösler, K., Tietz, J., Krause, R., Hofmann, K. P., Tolle, K., & Wigg-Wolf, D. (2024). IT- and machine learning-based methods of classification: The cooperative project ClaReNet – Classification and Representation for Networks.
- S. Gampe, K. Tolle (2024, April 16). Creating an Additional Class Layer with Machine Learning to counter Overfitting in an Unbalanced Ancient Coin Dataset.
- Peter U., Franke C., Köster J., Tolle K., Gampe S., Stolba V.F. (February 8, 2024 | Version v3): CORPUS NUMMORUM – A Digital Research Infrastructure for Ancient Coins.
- Wigg-Wolf, D., Pfeiffer, A.-L. and Tolle, K. 2023 Aggregating Coin Find Data to the ARIADNE Portal. Challenges of using the Getty AAT for a specialist domain, Internet Archaeology 64.
- D. Wigg-Wolf / K. P. Hofmann / K. Tolle / K. Rösler / M. Möller / C. Deligio / J. Tietz / C. von Nicolai, ClaReNet. Klassifikation und Repräsentation keltischer Münzprägungen im Netz. Das Projekt von 2021 bis 2024. eDAI-F 2022-2, § 1–2, DOI:, PDF
- D. Wigg-Wolf / C. von Nicolai / K. P. Hofmann / K. Tolle / M. Möller / C. Deligio / K. Rösler / J. Tietz, Déchiffrer l’imagerie des monnaies celtiques à l’aide de la reconnaissane automatique des images. Poster présenté p lors du 46e colloque de l’AFEAF “Expressions artistiques des sociétés des âges du Fer” (du 26 au 28 Mai 2022). PDF
- C. von Nicolai, C. Deligio, K. P. Hofmann, M. Möller, K. Rösler, J. Tietz, K. Tolle, D. Wigg-Wolf (2022). Künstliche Intelligenz für die Numismatik? Digitalisierung und automatisierte Klassifikation keltischer Münzen im Verbundprojekt ClaReNet. Geldgeschichtliche Nachrichten 57/320, 69-74. PDF
- M. Brand / C. Deligio / K. P. Hofmann / M. Möller / C. von Nicolai / K. Rösler / J. Tietz / K. Tolle / D. Wigg-Wolf, ClaReNet – Ein Projekt zu digitalen Wissenspraktiken am Beispiel keltischer Numismatik. Beitrag auf dem Blog der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission “Crossing borders – Building contacts“, online veröffentlicht am 31.01.2022. Zum Artikel, PDF
- Roberto V. Zicari, John Brodersen, James Brusseau, Boris Düdder, Timo Eichhorn, Todor Ivanov, Georgios Kararigas , Pedro Kringen, Melissa McCullough, Florian Möslein, Karsten Tolle, Jesmin Jahan Tithi, Naveed Mushtaq, Gemma Roig , Norman Stürtz, Irmhild van Halem, Magnus Westerlund (2021). Z-Inspection®: A Process to Assess Trustworthy AI. IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, (Early Access) Print ISSN: 2637-6415
Online ISSN: 2637-6415 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TTS.2021.3066209 Link to Download the paper:
- (2020). Improving Data Quality by Rules: A Numismatic Example. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 45. Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. CAA 2017 (
- Hofmann, K., Grunwald, S., Lang, F., Peter, U.,Rösler, K.,Rokohl, L., Schreiber, S., Tolle, K., Wigg-Wolf, D. „Ding-Editionen. Vom archäologischen (Be-)Fund übers Corpus ins Netz.“ e-Forschungsbericht des DAI 2019 (Zenon)
- Tolle, K., Wigg-Wolf, D., E. Gruber. (2018). An Ontology for a Numismatic Island with Bridges to Others. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 44rd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Mieko Matsumoto and Espen Uleberg (eds) 2018. CAA 2016: Oceans od Data. Archaeopress, Oxford (Printed ISBN 9781784917302. Epublication ISBN 9781784917319) link
- Patricia Klinger, Sebastian Gampe, Karsten Tolle, Ulrike Peter (2018). Semantic Search based on Natural Language Processing – a Numismatic example. Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology (JAHA) Vol 5 No. 3 (2018) 68-79 (DOI: 10.14795/j.v5i3.334, Link)
- Niño, M., Zicari, R. V., Ivanov, T., Hee, K., Mushtaq, N., Rosselli, M., Sánchez-Ocaña, C., Tolle, K., Blanco, J. M., Illarramendi, A., Besier, J., & Underwood, H.. (2017). Data Projects for Social Good: Challenges and Opportunities. ICCSS 2017: International Conference on Computational Social Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (May 14-15, 2017), 3(5), 3102.
- Niño, M., Zicari, R. V., Ivanov, T., Hee, K., Mushtaq, N., Rosselli, M., Sánchez-Ocaña, C., Tolle, K., Blanco, J. M., Illarramendi, A., Besier, J., & Underwood, H.. (2017). Data Projects for “Social Good”: Challenges and Opportunities. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 11(5), 885-895.
- Hee, K., Zicari, R. V., & Tolle, K.. (2016). Tailored Data Science Education using Gamification. Paper presented at the 3rd RDA Workshop on Curricula and Teaching Methods in Cloud Computing, Big Data, and Data Science as part of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, CloudCom 2016, Luxembourg, December 12, 2016.
- Zicari, R. V., Rosselli, M., Ivanov, T., Korfiatis, N., Tolle, K., Niemann, R., & Reichenbach, C.. (2016). Setting Up a Big Data Project: Challenges, Opportunities, Technologies and Optimization in: Big Data Optimization: Recent Developments and Challenges. (, pp. 17-47) Mrouznejad, A. (Ed.), In Big Data Optimization: Recent Developments and Challenges, Springer-Verlag.
- How to move from Relational to Linked Open Data 5 Star – a numismatic example Karsten Tolle, David Wigg-Wolf in Keep the Revolution Going. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Campana, Stefano, Roberto Scopigno, Gabriella Carpentiero and Marianna Cirillo (eds) 2016. Archaeopress, Oxford (ISBN9781784913389)
- Ivanov, T., Niemann, R., Izberovic, S., Rosselli, M., Tolle, K., & Zicari, R. V.. (2015). Performance Evaluation of Enterprise Big Data Platforms with HiBench. In 9th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering (IEEE BigDataSE 2015), August 20-22, Helsinki, Finland .
- Rosselli, M., Niemann, R., Ivanov, T., Tolle, K., & Zicari, R. V.. (2015). Benchmarking the Availability and Fault Tolerance of Cassandra. In 6th Workshop on Big Data Benchmarking (6th WBDB), June 16-17, 2015, Toronto, Canada .
- Ivanov, T., Zicari, R. V., Izberovic, S., & Tolle, K.. (2014). Performance Evaluation of Virtualized Hadoop Clusters. Frankfurt Big Data Laboratory Technical Paper.
- Ivanov, T., Niemann, R., Izberovic, S., Rosselli, M., Tolle, K., & Zicari, R. V.. (2014). Benchmarking DataStax Enterprise/Cassandra with HiBench. Frankfurt Big Data Laboratory Technical Paper.
- Uncertainty handling for ancient coinage Karsten Tolle, David Wigg-Wolf. CAA2014. 21st Century Archaeology. Concepts, methods and tools. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology edited by F. Giligny, F. Djindjian, L. Costa, P. Moscati and S. Robert., Paris
- Semantic Web Technologies Applied to Numismatic Collections Ethan Gruber, Sebastian Heath, Andrew Meadows, Daniel Pett, Karsten Tolle, David Wigg-Wolf. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA 2012), Southampton, UK, 26-30 March 2012 (abstract)
- IWONTO – SQL based mapping from relational databases to ontologies Karsten Tolle, Mario Bachmann. 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2012), Porto, Portugal, 18 – 21 April, 2012
… more …
- Pöpperl, J. L., & Tolle, K. (2024, September 2). Generating RDF-Graphs with simple CSV files – RDFier. 30th EAA Annual Meeting in Rome | Persisting with Change (EAA 2024), Sapienza University of Rome. Zenodo.
- Gampe, S., Deligio, C., Tolle, K., Steiner, A., Möller, M., & von Nicolai, C. (2024, September 3). Image matching for semi-automated die studies and their visualisation to evaluate and to improve the data quality. 30th EAA Annual Meeting in Rome | Persisting with Change (EAA 2024), Sapienza University of Rome. Zenodo.
- D. Wigg-Wolf, K. Tolle + ClaReNet Team, 12.6.2024 Vortrag im Auswärtigen Amt bei der Jubiläumsveranstaltung “Das DAI: 150 Jahr beim Auswärtigen Amt”, “Keltische Münzen digital. Das BMBF-Forschungsprojekt ClaReNet”.
- D. Wigg-Wolf, K. Tolle + ClaReNet Team, 12.3.2024, Vortrag anlässlich der Jahressitzung des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission, “Keltische Münzen im digitalen Zeitalter: Das BMBF-Forschungsprojekt ClaReNet
- C. von Nicolai, Ch. Deligio, M. Möller, K. Rösler, J. Tietz, K. P. Hofmann, K. Tolle, D. Wigg-Wolf, 8.12.2023, Augsburg, Universität Augsburg, Trust Issues. Artificial Intelligence, Human Cognition, and Archaeology”, Vortrag “Celtic numismatics and artificial intelligence: The cooperative project ClaReNet”
- „NLP for Semantic Search and Data Quality at Corpus Nummorum“ -Workshop „Data Quality for Numismatics based on Natural Language Processing and Neural Networks – D4N⁴“ 29.-30.11.2023 – Karsten Tolle
- „Können wir KI vertrauen?“ Vortrag beim Studium Generale der Volkshochschule Frankfurt am Main – Karsten Tolle (23. Nov. 2023) –
- K. Tolle, Ch. Deligio, 15.11.2023, Frankfurt am Main, RGK, ClaReNet Final Workshop, Vortrag “ClaReNet and AI”.
- „Künstliche Intelligenz zur Erschließung kolonialer Verwertungspraktiken archäologischer Objektsammlungen“ Vortrag bei der GI Regionalgruppe Rhein-Main – Matthias Recke, Karsten Tolle (30.05.2023), Details: oder
- D. Wigg-Wolf, Ch. Deligio, K. Tolle, 28.9.2023, St Helier, Jersey, Le Catillon II, project meeting, Vortrag “Automated classification of coins: A case study based on the coin hoard Le Câtillon II”.
- C. von Nicolai, D. Wigg-Wolf, M. Brand, Ch. Deligio, K. P. Hofmann, M. Möller, K. Rösler, J. Tietz, K. Tolle, 15.9.2023, Würzburg, CAA Sektion Deutschland, Vortrag „Keltische Münzen und Künstliche Intelligenz. Das Projekt ClaReNet“.
- D. Wigg-Wolf, M. Brand, Ch. Deligio, K. P. Hofmann, M. Möller, C. von Nicolai, K. Rösler, J. Tietz, K. Tolle, 2.9.2023, Belfast, United Kingdom, 29th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Session 271: “The other side of the coin: new innovations in numismatics”, Vortrag “The project ClaReNet: Classifications and Representations for Networks Levering resources on Celtic numismatics with Linked Open Data”
- Ch. Deligio, D. Wigg-Wolf, K. Tolle, 19.6.2023, Sofia, Bulgarien, 10th Joint Meeting of ECFN and & 2nd BulgNR together, Session “ECFN 1”, Vortrag “Automated classification of coins: A case study based on the coin hoard Le Câtillon II”.
- CAA 2023 Amsterdam (book of abstracts:
- Creating an additional class layer with machine learning to counter overfitting in an unbalanced ancient coin dataset – Sebastian Gampe and Karsten Tolle (see also:
- From unsupervised to supervised: Supporting the analysis of a large coin hoard with AI-based methods – Chrisowalandis Deligio, Karsten Tolle, Dr. David Wigg-Wolf (see also:
- Vagueness and Uncertainty in Linked Open Data – its effects on semantic modelling, performance, classification and meaning – David Wigg-Wolf, Karsten Tolle, Florian Thiery, Allard Mees
- CORPUS NUMMORUM – A Digital Research Infrastructure for Ancient Coins – Ulrike Peter, Karsten Tolle, Jan Köster, Claus Franke, Sebastian Gampe, Bernhard Weisser (see also:
- „Münzschätze und Maschinenlernen“ Podcast von – Martin Wolf, David Wigg-Wolf, Karsten Tolle (2023) –
- „Image recognition applied to the hoard of Le Câtillon II“ – Presentation at INC 2022 Warshau – Chrisowalandis Deligio, Karsten Tolle, Philip de Jersey (
- Wigg-Wolf, K. P. Hofmann, C. von Nicolai, M. Möller, J. Tietz, K. Rösler, K. Tolle, R. Krause, Ch. Deligio, 29.10.2022, Münster, 16. Tag der Antiken Numismatik, „Künstliche Intelligenz für die Numismatik? Digitalisierung und automatisierte Klassifikation keltischer Münzen im Verbundprojekt ClaReNet“
- D. Wigg-Wolf, M. Brand, Ch. Deligio, K.P. Hofmann, M. Möller, C. von Nicolai, J. Tietz, K. Tolle, 2.9.2022, EAA 2022, Budapest, Session 273: „What does usability mean and how can it be achieved? Online Celtic Coinage (OCC) as a case study“.
- „How to handle vagueness and uncertainty in graph-based LOD knowledge modelling. Dealing with archaeological numismatic and ceramological real world data“ – Präsentation bei der: Graphs and Networks in the Humanities 2022 – Florian Thiery M.Sc., Dr. Allard W. Mees, Dr. Karsten Tolle, Dr. David G. Wigg-Wolf (abstract)
- „Linked Open Data &“ – Vortrag der Objekte.Digitalität.Hochschulen Sektion „Kuratierung von Daten, Normdaten, Linked Open Data & Ontologien“ – Karsten Tolle – 18.05.2021 (
- „Mustererkennung bei antiken Münzen“ – Vortrag der Objekte.Digitalität.Hochschulen Sektion „Klassifizierung – Mustererkennung“ – Karsten Tolle – 24.03.2021 (
- Ringvorlesung Datenschutz und Datensicherheit – „Sicherheit im Kontext von Datenbanken“ – Karsten Tolle – 16. Juli 2020
- „Digital Humanities – How to Boost Your Research with Linked Open Data“ – GRADE Workshop – Karsten Tolle – 09. June 2020
- Digital Classicist Berlin – „ und Corpus Nummorum – Einfluss digitaler Methoden“ – Karsten Tolle & Sebastian Gampe – 21.1.2020
- „Research Data Management in the Humanities and Social Sciences“ – GRADE Workshop – Nina Dworschak, Axel Kohler, Karsten Tolle – 20. November 2019
- Ringvorlesung Datenschutz. „Sicherheit im Kontext von Datenbanken“ – Karsten Tolle – 01.07.2019
- Workshop zu den Perspektiven der digitalen Objekt- und Bildwissenschaften in der Klassischen Archäologie. „ und Corpus Nummorum – ein Überblick über die digitalen Möglichkeiten“ – Karsten Tolle – 28. – 29. Juni 2019
- The 8th Joint Meeting of ECFN and 2019. „Corpus Nummorum – Coins and types and improvements of data quality“ – Karsten Tolle, Ulrike Peter – 2. – 4. May 2019
- Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) 2019 – 23. – 27. March 2019:
- Uncertain Information, the Dark Matter of Archaeology – Karsten Tolle, David Wigg-Wolf
- Applying Linked Open Data to non-standardised typologies: the example of Celtic coinages – David Wigg-Wolf, Karsten Tolle
- Combination of machine learning methods of image and natural language recognition on ancient coin data – Sebastian Gampe, Karsten Tolle
- DHd 2019 Digital Humanities: multimedial & multimodal. „ Numismatik und das Semantic Web“ – Timo Kissinger, David Wigg-Wolf, Karsten Tolle – 25. – 29. March 2019
- „Ding-Editionen: Vom Artefakt übers Corpus ins Netz“ at the Romano-Germanic Commission (RGK) of the German Archaeological Institute „Ontologien: Zusammenspiel und Modellierungseffekte“ – 25.-26- October 2018 in Frankfurt am Main
- Coins in Context „Semantic Search on Coin Image Descriptions and its links to other Object Types“ – 24.-25. September 2018 in Oxford
- The 7th Joint Metting of and ECFN 2018 „Data Quality Fingerprints in Linked Open Data“ – 3.-5 May 2018 in Valencia
- Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) 2018 Tübingen – Session: „Guaranteeing data quality in archaeological Linked Open Data“ – 19. – 23. March 2018
„Data Quality – if not initially, how to solve it later?“ – Karsten Tolle, David Wigg-Wolf
„Data Quality experiences within the project Corpus Nummorum Thracorum“ – Daniel Althof, Ulrike Peter, Karsten Tolle, Bernhard Weisser - Physikalischer Verein Vortragsreihe – Aus NaturWissenschaft und Technik „Big Data, Münzen, Forschung und Gesellschaft – eine Collage mit Frage- und Ausrufungszeichen“ – 27. September 2017 in Frankfurt am Main
- 9. Deutscher Archäologiekongress „Linked Open Data in der Archäologie am Beispiel von AFE, und OCRE/CRRO“ – Karsten Tolle, David Wigg-Wolf – 3. – 8. Juli 2017 in Mainz
- Night of Science 2017 – „Big Data… Und der Mensch als Bremsklotz?!“ – 9. – 10. Juni 2017 in Frankfurt am Main
- The 6th Joint Meeting of and ECFN 2017 – „AFE – Portrait and Authority / OpenCV for automated coin classification“ – 4. – 6. May 2017 in Kopenhagen
- Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) 2017 Atlanta (USA), 14.-16. March 2017 – Karsten Tolle/David Wigg-Wolf „Improving Data Quality by Rules – A Numismatic example“
- Vortrag am Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum – „Big Data – Digital Humanities und der Mensch als Bremsklotz?!“ – 7th March 2017 in Paderborn
- Schülerseminar „Big Data, der digitale Goldrausch – Was ist da wirklich dran?“ – im Rahmen des Symposiums 2017 der EKHN-Stiftung – 16. – 18. February 2017
- 51. HistorikerTag Hamburg – wissenschaftliches Programm, Fachsektion: Digitale-Geschichtswissenschaft (22. September 2016) – „Nomisma: Linked Open Data in der Numismatik am Beispiel von AFE, und OCRE/CRRO“ – Karsten Tolle, David Wigg-Wolf
- Night of Science 2016 – „Datenexplosion durch Vernetzung – am Beispiel der Archäologie“ view here
- CAA 2016, Oslo – Karsten Tolle, Ethan Gruber and David Wigg-Wolf „An ontology for a numismatic island with bridges to others“ view here (youtube)
- Benchmarking Big Data Systems – possibilities and limits – at Big Data Innovations for Power and Utility: Unleashing the Power of Big Data – TBM Evolution Group Event – 4th – 5th February 2016 in Berlin
- 4th ECFN/ Meeting Nieborów (Poland), 16th-19th April 2015 – Karsten Tolle/David Wigg-Wolf „Evolvements in AFE“
- CAA 2015 Sieana (Italia), 30th of March – 2nd of April – Karsten Tolle/David Wigg-Wolf „How to move from Relational to Linked Open Data 5 Star – a numismatic example“ view here (youtube)
- Kolloquium am i3Mainz 20. Februar 2015 – Karsten Tolle „ und Antike Fundmünzen Europa (AFE)“
- ECFN/ Meeting 2014 in Basel – Karsten Tolle/David Wigg-Wolf „Uncertainty and The AFE database, Zenon and the DAI Gazetteer“
- ECFN Meeting 2013 in Carnuntum – Karsten Tolle/David Wigg-Wolf „The AFE-WEB database“
- Data quality at database and higher levels – Our work with the numismatic database AFE – at New Developments in Archaeological Data Management CAA Netherlands – Germany Joint Chapter Meeting 2012 together with Dr. David Wigg-Wolf
- Night of Science 2010 – „Spaß am Programmieren!“
- EU-Project ABILITIES Application BUS for Interoperability among SMEs in New EU Member States – at UBL International 2006 in Copenhagen, November 13 – 17
- Interoperability and Negotiation via ABILITIES Bus – technical background of the business processes – at DAT 2007 – ABILITIES Workshop – in Budapest 21. Nov. 2007
- Datenbanksysteme 2 (DB2) – WS24/25
- Einführung in die Programmierung und Grundlagen der Programmierung (zusammen mit Profin. Franziska Matthäus und Prof. Matthias Kaschube) – WS24/25
- Data Challenges (DC) – SS24
- Data Science 1 (DS1) – SS24
- Seminar Informationssysteme/Seminar Künstliche Intelligenz: Aktuelle Themen der Numismatik
- Einführung in die Programmierung und Grundlagen der Programmierung (zusammen mit Profin. Franziska Matthäus und Prof. Matthias Kaschube) – WS23/24
- Data Challenges (DC) – WS23/24 – zusammen mit der Deutschen Bahn
- Data Science 1 (DS1) – SS23
- Data Challenges (DC) – SS23 – zusammen mit der Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW) – siehe auch:
- Einführung in die Programmierung und Grundlagen der Programmierung (zusammen mit Profin. Gemma Roig und Profin. Hildegard Kuehne) – WS22/23
- Datenbanksysteme 2 (DB2) – WS22/23
- Data Challenges (DC) – SS22
- Programmierung von Datenbanken – SS22
- Einführung in die Programmierung und Grundlagen der Programmierung (zusammen mit Profin. Franziska Matthäus und Prof. Matthias Kaschube) – WS21/22
- Seminar Informationssysteme/Seminar Künstliche Intelligenz: Aktuelle Themen der Numismatik (Master) – WS21/22
- Seminar Aktuelle Themen aus der Programmierung (Bachelor) – WS21/22
- Programmierung von Datenbanken – SS21
- Data Challenges – Numismatics (DC) – SS21
- Datenbanksysteme 2 (DB2) – WS20/21
- Einführung in die Programmierung und Grundlagen der Programmierung (zusammen mit Prof. Detlef Krömker) – WS20/21
- Programmierung von Datenbanken – SS20
- Data Science 1 – SS20
- Database part of the lecture „Grundlagen der Programmierung 2 (PRG2)“ – SS19
- Database part of the lecture „Grundlagen der Programmierung 2 (PRG2)“ – SS18
- Database part of the lecture „Grundlagen der Programmierung 2 (PRG2)“ – SS17
- Database part of the lecture „Grundlagen der Programmierung 2 (PRG2)“ – SS16
- Database part of the lecture „Grundlagen der Programmierung 2 (PRG2)“ – SS15
- Datenbanksysteme 2 (DB2) – WS14/15
- Database part of the lecture „Grundlagen der Programmierung 2 (PRG2)“ – SS14
- Database part of the lecture „Grundlagen der Programmierung 2 (PRG2)“ – SS13
- Database part of the lecture „Grundlagen der Programmierung 2 (PRG2)“ – SS12
- Java and Database part of the lecture „Grundlagen der Programmierung 2 (PRG2)“ – SS11
- Java and Database part of the lecture „Grundlagen der Programmierung 2 (PRG2)“ – SS10
- Programming Laboratory in Java – WS09/10
- Java part of the lecture „Grundlagen der Programmierung 2 (PRG2)“ – SS09
- Aktuelle Themen Informatik der Systeme [TIDS] – Datenbanken und Internet (TIDS) – WS08/09
- Programming Laboratory in Java – WS08/09
- Java part of the lecture „Grundlagen der Programmierung 2 (PRG2)“ – SS08
- Datenbanken und Internet (DBWEB) – WS06/07
1st prize 1822-Teaching Award in 2016.
Nominated by the students for the 1822-Teaching Award in 2012.
Further/older Publications
- Analyzing Web Profiles using Probabilistic Ontologies Pawel Kozak, Karsten Tolle. ACM 3rd International Conference on Web Science (ACM WebSci 11), Koblenz, Germany, 14-17th of June 2011.
- Players and Situation in German eGovernment Karsten Tolle, Interoperability Infrastructures and Standards for Administrations and Enterprises Workshop at eChallenges 2009, Paul Cunningham and Miriam Cunningham (Eds), IIMC International Information Management Corporation Ltd 2009, ISBN 978-1-905824-13-7, Istanbul
- Introducing Zones to a Web Site: A Test Based Evaluation on Semantics, Content, and Business Goals, Natascha Hoebel, Naveed Mushtaq, Clemens Schefels, Karsten Tolle, Roberto V. Zicari. 11th IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (CEC 09).
- Modernization Projects Survey Evaluation – Based on 2007 and 2008 Surveys Karsten Tolle, MOMOCS Deliverable, April 2009
- Demands for Modernization – Survey Analysis Karsten Tolle, Evaldas Verselis, Viktor Paland, and Simone Hannemann. Model-driven Modernization of Software Systems MMSS’08, co-located with: 4th European Conference on Model Driven Architecture (ECMDA), June 9, 2008, Berlin – Germany
- UBL: The DNA of next generation E-Business Karsten Tolle. Information Technology And Control, Kaunas, Technologija, 2008, Vol. 37, No. 1, 38 – 42
- Performance and architecture modeling of interoperability system for SME’s Mindaugas Kiauleikis, Valentinas Kiauleikis, Claudia Guglielmina, Karsten Tolle and Nerijus Morkevicius. 11th International Conference on Business Information Systems, BIS 2008, Innsbruck, Austria 5-7 May 2008
- Interoperability challenges in New Member States Small and Medium Enterprises require suitable EAI architectures Karsten Tolle, Valentinas Kiauleikis, Gerald Knoll, Claudia Guglielmina, Alessandra Arezza Conference on Enterprise Information Systems ICEIS 2007, June 12-16, Funchal, Madeira – Portugal
- An Interoperable E-business platform towards better integration of New Member States SME’s Karsten Tolle, Valentinas Kiauleikis, Kristina Justinaviciene, Gerald Knoll, Claudia Guglielmina, Alessandra Arezza Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications I-ESA 2007, March 28th – 30th, Madeira, Portugal
- Federated Message-based Architecture for eBusiness Interoperability in New Member States SMEs Alessandra Bagnato, Claudia Guglielmina, Gerald Knoll, Karsten Tolle Federated Message-based Architecture for eBusiness Interoperability in New Member States SMEs eChallenges 2006 , Barcelona, Spain
- The Design of Gugubarra 2.0: A Tool for Building and Managing Profiles of Web Users Natascha Hoebel, Sascha Kaufmann, Karsten Tolle, R. V. Zicari IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Intelligent Agent Technology and Data Mining, 18-22 December 2006, Hong Kong.
- The Gugubarra Project: Building and Evaluating User Profiles for Visitors of Web Sites Natascha Hoebel, Sascha Kaufmann, Karsten Tolle, R. V. Zicari First IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and Technologies, November 13-15, 2006 Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- Semantic Web, Fabian Wleklinski und Karsten Tolle, Erschienen im Praxishandbuch 350218 „Vom LAN zum Kommunikationsnetz“, Ausgabe-Nr. 02/2006, INTEREST Verlag, Herausgeber: Heinz Schulte, Juli 2006
- Semantisches Web und Kontext – Speicherung von und Anfragen auf RDF-Daten unter Berücksichtigung des Kontextes , Karsten Tolle. Dissertation, May 2006 Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main.
- Understanding data by their context using RDF, Karsten Tolle. AISTA’04: International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems – Theory and Applications in cooperation with IEEE Computer Society, Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor, Luxembourg, 15-18 November 2004
- Trust and context using the RDF-Source related Storage System (RDF-S3) and easy RQL (eRQL), Karsten Tolle and Fabian Wleklinski. XML-Technologien für das Semantic Web im Rahmen der Berliner XML Tage 2004, Germany, October 2004
- RDF-S3 und eRQL: RDF Technologien für Informationsportale, Karsten Tolle and Fabian Wleklinski. Informatik 2004 Workshop über Semantische Technologien für Informationsportale, im Rahmen der 34. GI Jahrestagung 2004, Ulm, Germany
- Building and Evaluating Non-Obvious User Profiles for Visitors of Web Sites, Naveed Mushtaq, Karsten Tolle, Peter Werner and Roberto Zicari. IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC 04) July 6-9, 2004, San Diego, California, USA
- RQL: A Functional Query Language for RDF, G. Karvounarakis, A. Magkanaraki, S. Alexaki, V. Christophides, D. Plexousakis, M. Scholl, K. Tolle, published at Functional Approaches to Computing With Data, P.M.D.Gray, L.Kerschberg, P.J.H.King, A.Poulovassilis (eds.), LNCS Series, Springer-Verlag
- Querying the Semantic Web with RQL, G. Karvounarakis, A. Magkanaraki, S. Alexaki, V. Christophides, D. Plexousakis, M. Scholl, K. Tolle, published at Computer Networks and ISDN Systems Journal, Elsevier Science
- Agent-Based Services for Information Portals, Ciaran Bryce, Michel Pawlak, Karsten Tolle, Peter Werner and Roberto Zicari. The Eighteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing March 9 to 12, 2003, Melbourne, Florida, USA
- The ICS-FORTH RDFSuite: High-level Scalable Tools for the Semantic Web, S. Alexaki, N. Athanasi, V. Christophides, G. Karvounarakis, A. Maganaraki, D. Plexousakis, and K. Tolle. The Eleventh International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2002), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, May 7-11, 2002
- The ICS-FORTH RDFSuite: Managing Voluminous RDF Description Bases, S. Alexaki, V. Christophides, G. Karvounarakis, D. Plexousakis, K. Tolle, 2nd International Workshop on the Semantic Web, in conjunction with Tenth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW10), pp. 1-13, Hongkong, May 1, 2001.
- Managing RDF Metadata for Community Webs, S. Alexaki, V. Christophides, G. Karvounarakis, D. Plexousakis, K. Tolle, Bernd Amann, Irini Fundulaki, Michel Scholl, Anne-Marie Vercoustre, 2nd International Workshop on the World Wide Web and Conceptual Modeling (2000), pp. 140-151
- ERCIM News No.41, April 2000, ICS – VRP: a Tool for Parsing and Validating RDF Metadata & Schemas by Karsten Tolle and Vassilis Christophides
- Master’s Thesis, Analyzing and Parsing RDF, Januar 2000, by Karsten Tolle