Tuesday November 25 / 2014

Title: Hadoop-Ökosystem

Nikola_DyundevSpeaker: Nikola Dyundev ist Solutions Architekt bei Cloudera, dem führenden Anbieter von Hadoop. Er ist in ganz Europa tätig und unterstützt täglich Kunden vor Ort bei der Lösung unterschiedlichster Big Data Herausforderungen.

Abstract: Dieser Vortrag richtet sich an alle, die sich einen Überblick über das gesamte Hadoop Ökosystem verschaffen wollen. Es geht um den Hadoop Core und weiter hinaus. Idee des Vortrages ist es, Fremdwörter wie Sqoop, Flume, Hive, Impala, Solr und Spark einen Sinn zuzuweisen und deren Platz im Hadoop Ökosystem zu zeigen. Es wird auch über den Zusammenhang zwischen den jeweiligen Projekten gesprochen.

Location: Big Data Analytics Laboratory Frankfurt at the Chair for Databases and Information Systems (DBIS), Goethe-University Frankfurt.

October 29,2014

Talk of Professor Zicari at Stanford University.

Stanford EE Computer Systems Colloquium

4:15PM, Wednesday, October 29, 2014

NEC Auditorium, Gates Computer Science Building Room B3
Big Data: A Data Driven Society?

Roberto V. Zicari
Goethe University

About the talk:

In the first part of this talk, I will review how Big Data is enabling a data-driven economy, look at what to do with Big Data, and look at the consequences of a society being reshaped by systematically building on data analytics. In the second part of the talk, I will outline some of the Big Data research challenges in three areas: Data, Processes, and Management. I will then conclude making a case for Big Data for Social Good: my aim is to show that Big Data can be leveraged to better serve the people who generate the data, and ultimately the society in which we live.

Download presentation (.PDF) : http://www.odbms.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Zicari.Stanford.pdf

Watch the video on Youtube:


Monday May 19 / 2014

Title: Emerging topics in Big Data Analytics


Dr. Nikolaos Korfiatis, Director Big Data Lab and DBIS, Uni Frankfurt

Abstract: While a lot of tools and solutions have been emerged as an answer to the issue of mining massive datasets a discusion whether big data technologies are a better alternative over traditional Business Intelligence methods is ongoing. In this seminar a set of interesting research problems will be presented and possible challenges for research will be discussed.

Location: Big Data Analytics Laboratory Frankfurt at the Chair for Databases and Information Systems (DBIS), Goethe-University Frankfurt.

Time: 14-16 pm

Tuesday February 4 / 2014

Title: Teradata Aster Architecture and Technical Solution


cb3aa7279.3160712,2.140x185 Jürgen Boiselle (Managing Partner, Architecture Consulting), Teradata

tim-biedenkapp Tim Biedenkapp (Data Warehouse Consultant), Teradata.

Abstract: The Teradata Aster Discovery Platform is an integrated discovery platform that provides insights from big data through an integrated solution optimized for multiple analytics on all data. This presentation highlights the technical foundation and the movement of the data within the platform.
The Teradata® Aster® Discovery Platform is the industry’s first next-generation, integrated discovery platform that provides powerful, high-impact insights from big data through an integrated solution optimized for multiple analytics on all data with speed and minimal effort. Using the Aster Discovery Platform, organizations attain unmatched competitive advantage and drive pervasive adoption of big data analytics by every user based on their skills and preferences. – See more at: http://www.asterdata.com/product/discovery-platform.php

Location: Big Data Analytics Laboratory Frankfurt at the Chair for Databases and Information Systems (DBIS), Goethe-University Frankfurt.

Tuesday January 28 / 2014

Title: Transformation of classical SAP landscapes towards in memory and big data infrastructures powered by SAP HANA

D002831Speaker: Karl Kessler studied computer science at the Technical University of Munich. He joined SAP AG in 1992 as a member of the basis team focusing on product management of SAP’s technology. In 2004 Karl became vice president of the SAP NetWeaver technology platform. Today Karl is member of the SAP HANA team focusing on landscape transformation from SAP NetWeaver to SAP HANA.

Abstract:  Today, more than 70.000 productive customers run their SAP Business Suite applications on top of the proven SAP NetWeaver platform. With SAP NetWeaver 7.4 the newest release is available which is heavily optimized for the SAP HANA database platform. The latest version of the SAP Business Suite i2013 runs on top of SAP NetWeaver 7.4. The session will show the capabilities of SAP’s technology platform with a focus on in memory, big data and cloud topics.

Location: Room NM 114 („Neue Mensa 114“) at Campus Bockenheim, Goethe University Frankfurt, 4 – 6 p.m.

Tuesday October 22 / 2013 

Title: High-performance and automatic computing

bientinesiSpeaker: Prof. Paolo BientinesiNumerical Linear Algebra, High -Performance & Parallel Computing Automation,  Computer Science Department, RWTH Aachen

Abstract:  This talk gives an overview of the activities of the HPAC group (http://hpac.rwth-aachen.de/). In particular, I discuss how in scientific computing both the design and the implementation of high-performance algorithms require the integration of expertise from multiple disciplines. Using as an example a widespread application in biology–the genome-wide association studies–, I illustrate how domain-specific knowledge is the key towards superior solutions. Moreover, since in this application the size of the data is in itself a challenge, I show techniques to make even the largest instances of the problem feasible.

Friday, July 12 / 2013 

Title: From Unstructured to Structured and Back: Natural Language Processing for More Effective Information Access

22b5b65SpeakerDr. Jochen L. Leidner, Lead Data Scientist, Thomson Reuters, London.