politwi: Analyzing tweets for relevant topics for the German political election.
„politwi“ is focused on analyzing tweets in German language in real time, related to politics and to the forthcoming German political elections.
It is an interesting exercise for us to verify what value-added could bring politwi to a specific domain (in this case German politics) and see who may be using such a public service (bloggers? journalists? political parties? researchers? who else?).
Here is the web site for the public service:
We have also a Twitter account which is updated every hour, displaying the discovered top topics analyzed out of the Tweets stream in real time. As of August 2013 politwi has analyzed over 2,500,000 tweets.
Here is the Twitter account:
politwi is not related to Google elections analytics. But as a next step, we would like to correlate the analysis of „politwi“ with both Google trends and Google election analytics.
We plan to correlate the Tweet data acquired and analyzed with politwi with the results of the German political election in September to see if there are any significant correlation.
Politwi in the media
– Article on Politwi in the Frankfurter Rundschau (In German) :
Link: http://www.fr-online.de/bundestagswahl—hintergrund/politwi-de-forschungsprojekt-analysiert-tweets-zur-wahl,23998104,24261442.html
– Video of Prof. Dr. Jörg Scheidt participating to the panel discussion „Digitalen Quartett“ and Mediennetzwerk Bayern, Berlin, September 23, 2013
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6VsNjtviGw&feature=c4-overview&list=UUj0gCBngluX0CpIbFrVmqcA
– Paper on Politwi
S. Rill, D. Reinel, J. Scheidt, R. V. Zicari
PoliTwi: Early Detection of Emerging Political Topics on Twitter and the Impact on Concept-Level Sentiment Analysis
Knowledge-Based Systems (2014), doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2014.05.008