Wednesday July 22 / 2015
Title: Big Data Value – the European Public Private Partnership
Speaker: Dr. Walter Waterfeld, Senior Research Project Manager. He obtained a diploma and a doctorate in Computer Science at the Technical University Darmstadt. He worked at different technical positions in R&D of Software AG in the area of databases, application frameworks and information integration. He carried out research and management tasks in several National and European research projects and represents Software AG in standard organisations. He is member of the steering committee of the European Technology Platform NESSI and on the board of directors of the Big Data Value Association, which represents the European Public Private Partnership on Big Data (PPP BDV).
Time and Location: July 22nd, 14:00, Big Data Lab Frankfurt at the Chair for Databases and Information Systems (DBIS), Goethe-University Frankfurt.
Editor Note: Sadly, Walter passed away on 20. 10. 2015.
Tuesday July 21 / 2015
Speaker: Sven Rill, Hof University of Applied Sciences, Hof
Time and Location: July 21st, 11:00, Big Data Lab Frankfurt at the Chair for Databases and Information Systems (DBIS), Goethe-University Frankfurt.
Monday July 20 / 2015
Title: Big Data and its challenges for today´s politics
Speaker: Thomas Jarzombek, Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages
Abstract: Big Data is a tremendous opportunity for business, science and – possibly – even the further development of mankind. But does society, especially in Europe, see the advantages – or is there mostly a focus on the risks? Are people scared about the disruptive changes that future will bring? How can we set a framework for a positive mindset towards big data and its many innovative implications for society? This is the challenge for politics today.
Time and Location:
Monday July 20th, 15:00 – 17:00, Room H III (Campus Bockenheim), Gräfstraße 50-54,Hörsaaltrakt Bockenheim (2 OG)
This talk is part of the lecture series Ringvorlesung with focus on Big Data, Internet of Things and Data Science. The lectures are open to all.
Thursday July 9 / 2015
Title: Algorithms for Data Privacy
Speaker: Prof. Christoph Schommer, University of Luxembourg
Abstract: The sensors of the Big Data hype have engulfed the digital world as well as our society. Technical innovations, scientific achievements, and an insistent data-centric thinking have made it possible that data has been put in front more than ever before. This leads to consequences, for example a deeper understanding of own data, but also the necessity to clearly differentiate between correlation and causality and what should become public and what should keep private. The aim of this lecture is to motivate one of these aspects, i.e., data privacy in the presence of Big Data. We will discuss some algorithmic concepts as well as the idea of Privacy-Preserving Data Mining.
Time and Location:
Thursday July 9th, 14:15 – 15:45, Robert-Mayer-Straße 11-15, Magnus Hörsaal
This talk is part of the lecture series Ringvorlesung with focus on Big Data, Internet of Things and Data Science. The lectures are open to all.
Monday July 6 / 2015
Title: Making big data content accessible to professionals
Speaker: FRANK SCHILDER obtained his Ph.D. in Cognitive Science from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. His research interests include large-scale machine learning, information extraction and summarization. His summarization work has been implemented as the snippet generator for search results of WestlawNext and he is currently involved in various large-scale machine learning and big data projects. Frank has successfully participated in several research competitions on automatic summarization systems such as the Text Analysis Conference (TAC) carried out by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Before joining Thomson Reuters, he was employed by the Department for Informatics at the University of Hamburg, Germany, as an assistant professor.
Abstract: Thomson Reuters is the world’s leading source of intelligent information serving professionals such as lawyers, journalists, traders or scientists. Big data opportunities for our content come mostly from the variety of our data sets. In addition to creating new insights from connecting various data sources, we are working on creating new technology to ensure easy access for our customers across all our data sets. In this talk, I will first provide an overview of the content sources Thomson Reuters brings together and describe recent efforts on bringing these data sets together using multiple big data technologies (e.g., Hadoop, Kafka, Riptide, Spark). I will describe solutions we deployed for concording all these data sources around the entities valuable to our customers (e.g., companies, people). Finally, I will describe a natural-language interface called TR Discover that we developed to give our customers access to our content by asking questions in an intuitive way. TR Discover allows professionals from the pharmaceutical domain, for example, to ask questions such as “show me all drugs having a primary indication of hypertension developed by Merck & Co Inc”. The system automatically interprets the question, derives the result set from our interlinked content sets and generates further analytics from it in order to give the user valuable insights into the data.
Time and Location: July 6th, 11:00, Big Data Lab Frankfurt at the Chair for Databases and Information Systems (DBIS), Goethe-University Frankfurt.
Thursday July 2 / 2015
Title: Data Science and the future of the movie business
Speaker: Matthew Eric Bassett, Director and Co-Founder of Gower Street Analytics. Former Director, Data Science at NBCUniversal International, UK
Abstract: While cheap computing has altered human society for the 21st century, the biggest change for the film and cinema industry has been the shift from film delivery to digital delivery. Yet even this sector is waking up to big data. In this talk, we’ll look at how data-driven decision making is changing how business is done, from the greenlighting process in production to how cinemas schedule screens.
Time and Location:
Thursday July 2nd, 14:15 – 15:45, Robert-Mayer-Straße 11-15, Magnus Hörsaal
This talk is part of the lecture series Ringvorlesung with focus on Big Data, Internet of Things and Data Science. The lectures are open to all.
Thursday June 25 / 2015
Title: Smart Data Web – Value chains for industrial applications
Speaker: Prof. Hans Uszkoreit, Scientific Director, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
Abstract: TBD
Time and Location:
Thursday June 25th, 14:15 – 15:45, Robert-Mayer-Straße 11-15, Magnus Hörsaal
This talk is part of the lecture series Ringvorlesung with focus on Big Data, Internet of Things and Data Science. The lectures are open to all.
Thursday June 18 / 2015
Title: Big Data Analytics in Astrophysics
Speaker: Prof. Katharina Morik, TU Dortmund University
Abstract: Big Data has become an increasingly popular term. Its facets, volume, variety, and velocity, have led to new storage and computation methods and hardware architectures. These developments may support but cannot replace the analysis of the data. Analytics is necessary in order to reap the data’s benefit. In this talk, analysis methods for large volume data and for real-time velocity data are presented and illustrated by astrophysical experiments.
Time and Location:
Thursday June 18th, 14:15 – 15:45, Robert-Mayer-Straße 11-15, Magnus Hörsaal
This talk is part of the lecture series Ringvorlesung with focus on Big Data, Internet of Things and Data Science. The lectures are open to all.
Thursday June 11 / 2015
Title: Data Science – the what, the why and the how
Speaker: Klaas Wilhelm Bollhoefer, Chief Data Scientist, The unbelievable Machine Company
Abstract: The lecture will give an overview on data science and how data science relates to the buzz around big data. Data science acts on the „business side of data“ and – by using creativity, data analytics, machine intelligence and a proven and agile process – bridges the gap between business operations and data. But how do you actually do it? Based on a lot of real world use cases from different industries and business units I will showcase the daily life of a data scientist. From idea to cable. The problem definition, the process, the toolkit and the algorithms. Together we will dive a little bit into machine learning & statistics, a little bit into data visualization and the importance of data visibility, you will learn about technology, the data science process model and future developments in all those areas and of course we will discuss how data science might or will develop in the next years.
Time and Location:
Thursday June 11th, 14:15 – 15:45, Robert-Mayer-Straße 11-15, Magnus Hörsaal
This talk is part of the lecture series Ringvorlesung with focus on Big Data, Internet of Things and Data Science. The lectures are open to all.
Thursday May 28 / 2015
Title: Towards a data-driven economy. How Big Data fuels the digital economy
Speaker: Jörg Besier, Managing Director at Accenture, Digital Delivery Lead ASG
Abstract: In this presentation, the influence of Big Data on the digital economy and new digital products is presented.
Time and Location:
Thursday May 28th, 14:15 – 15:45, Robert-Mayer-Straße 11-15, Magnus Hörsaal
This talk is part of the lecture series Ringvorlesung with focus on Big Data, Internet of Things and Data Science. The lectures are open to all.
Thursday May 21 / 2015
Title: In-Memory Technologies and Applications: S/4 HANA
Speaker: Hon.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Zeier, Managing Director, Globally for In-Memory Solutions at Accenture
Abstract: In this talk, In-Memory Technologies and Applications are presented with a focus on the In-Memory Database HANA and the SAP Business Suite S/4 HANA.
Time and Location:
Thursday May 21th, 14:15 – 15:45, Robert-Mayer-Straße 11-15, Magnus Hörsaal
This talk is part of the lecture series Ringvorlesung with focus on Big Data, Internet of Things and Data Science. The lectures are open to all.
Thursday May 7 / 2015
Title: Big Data and Regulation
Speaker: Prof. Nikos Korfiatis, Assistant Professor of Business Analytics, Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia, UK
Abstract: The ongoing discussion about how big data can be of benefit to organizations is evident on all spectrums of the corporate environment ranging from human resources to marketing and finance. However the question on how big data impacts consumers is yet to be answered. In this talk the perspective of “big data” is going to be discussed from the viewpoint of regulation and how data can help competition authorities and regulatory bodies work better for the benefit of consumers by addressing market failure and working for the benefit of institutions and society.
Time and Location:
Thursday May 7th, 14:15 – 15:45, Robert-Mayer-Straße 11-15, Magnus Hörsaal
This talk is part of the lecture series Ringvorlesung with focus on Big Data, Internet of Things and Data Science. The lectures are open to all.
Thursday April 30 / 2015
Title: Big Data: A data driven society?
Speaker: Prof. Roberto V. Zicari, Frankfurt Big Data Lab, Goethe University Frankfurt
Abstract: In the first part of this talk, I will review how Big Data is enabling a data-driven economy, look at what to do with Big Data, and look at the consequences of a society being reshaped by systematically building on data analytics. In the second part of the talk, I will outline some of the Big Data research challenges in three areas: Data, Processes, and Management. I will then conclude making a case for Big Data for Social Good: my aim is to show that Big Data can be leveraged to better serve the people who generate the data, and ultimately the society in which we live.
Time and Location:
Thursday April 30th, 14:15 – 15:45, Robert-Mayer-Straße 11-15, Room SR 307
This talk is part of the lecture series Ringvorlesung with focus on Big Data, Internet of Things and Data Science. The lectures are open to all.
Tuesday February 17 / 2015
Title: IBM Bluemix – A business Development Perspective
Speaker: Harald Übele (IBM Germany)
Title: Big Data Analytics – A R&D Perspective
Speaker: Ute Schürfeld (IBM Germany)
Location: Big Data Analytics Laboratory Frankfurt at the Chair for Databases and Information Systems (DBIS), Goethe-University Frankfurt.