The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
“Who will decide what is the impact of AI on Society?”
Awareness allows us to live a life, not react to it…
Awareness happens, but needs to be continuously nurtured.
If I am aware, am I also conscious?
Awareness is considered a prerequisite for consciousness. You can’t be conscious about something if you’re unaware of it.
Consciousness is a choice we can make (or not).
The individual and collective conscience is the existential place where the most significant things happen.
So, what has this to do with the current discussion on Ethics of Artificial Intelligence?
AI is becoming a sophisticated tool in the hands of a variety of stakeholders, including political leaders.
Some AI applications may raise new ethical and legal questions, and in general have a significant impact on society (for the good or for the bad or for both).
We are having an interesting discussion on this topic.
You can read the feedback here:
Policy makers are actively working out legal frame for Ethical, Trustful, Transparent AI. See for example:
On European data protection — interview with Giovanni Buttarelli, Digital Initiative, Harvard Business School, June 5, 2019
As Norbert Walter wrote (*) : “Ethics is dependent on the homogeneity of society and functioning sanctions against the non-compliance of the rules”.
People motivation plays a key role here. With AI the important question is how to avoid that it goes out of control, and how to understand how decisions are made and what are the consequences for society at large.
Roberto V. Zicari
Frankfurt, August , 2020
Z-Inspection: A holistic and analytic process to assess Ethical AI
We decided to go for an open development and incremental improvement to establish our process and brand (“Z Inspected”).
More info: Z-Inspection® Web Site.
- Zicari, R. V.. (2020). KI, Ethik, Vertrauen, Risiken, Audit. Position paper presented at the Enquete-Kommission „Künstliche Intelligenz – Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung und wirtschaftliche, soziale und ökologische Potenziale“ of the German Bundestag, on February 10, 2020, Berlin.
- Zicari, R. V.. (2018). Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Ethical and Societal Implications. In Wolff, B. (Ed.), In Whither artificial intelligence? Debating the policy challenges of the upcoming transformation (pp. 68). Mercator Science-Policy Fellowship-Programme.
- Helbing, D., Frey, B. S., Gigerenzer, G., Hafen, E., Hagner, M., Hofstetter, Y., van den Hoven, J., Zicari, R. V., & Zwitter, A.. (2017). Will Democracy Survive Big Data and Artificial Intelligence?. Scientific American (February 25, 2017).
- Helbing, D., Frey, B. S., Gigerenzer, G., Hafen, E., Hagner, M., Hofstetter, Y., van den Hoven, J., Zicari, R. V., & Zwitter, A.. (2015). Digitale Demokratie statt Datendiktatur: Big Data, Nudging, Verhaltenssteuerung. Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 15(12).
- Zwitter, A., & Zicari, R. V.. (2015). Big Data zum Nutzen von Gesellschaft und Menschheit. Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 15(12).
- Helbing, D., Frey, B. S., Gigerenzer, G., Hafen, E., Hofstetter, Y., van den Hoven, J., Zicari, R. V., Zwitter, A., & Hagner, M.. (2015). Eine Strategie für das digitale Zeitalter. Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 15(12).
- Mindful Use of AI. Z-Inspection: A holistic and analytic process to assess Ethical AI – Roberto V. Zicari,Frankfurt Big Data Lab, July 2, 2020, Youtube video: and pdf slides:
- „The Ethics of AI: People,Policy,Politics,Society,Technology“ – Roberto V. Zicari – With contributions from: Irmhild van Halem, Matthew Eric Bassett, Karsten Tolle, Timo Eichhorn, Todor Ivanov, Jesmin Jahan Tithi. November 26, 2019, THE AUTOMATORS – Revolution of Workforce Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Link to .PDF:
- „The Ethics of AI: Policy, Politics, Society, Technology“ – Roberto V. Zicari – With contributions from: Irmhild van Halem, Matthew Eric Bassett, Karsten Tolle, Timo Eichhorn, Todor Ivanov, Jesmin Jahan Tithi. November 19, 2019. AI for the People Center, Aalborg University, DK , Link to .PDF:
- „Z-inspection: Towards a process to assess Ethical AI“ – Roberto V. Zicari – With contributions from: Irmhild van Halem, Matthew Eric Bassett, Karsten Tolle, Timo Eichhorn, Todor Ivanov, Jesmin Jahan Tithi. November 15, 2019. BitKom series of talk, Link to .PDF: , Recording of the talk on YouTube:
- „Z-inspection: Towards a process to assess Ethical AI“ – Roberto V. Zicari – With contributions from: Irmhild van Halem, Matthew Eric Bassett, Karsten Tolle, Timo Eichhorn, Todor Ivanov, Jesmin Jahan Tithi. CSGI(Cognitive Systems Group) Talk, Oct.31, 2019 Link to .PDF: Youtube video:
- “ Z-inspection: Towards a process to assess Ethical AI“ – Roberto V. Zicari – With contributions from: Irmhild van Halem, Matthew Eric Bassett, Karsten Tolle, Timo Eichhorn, Todor Ivanov. Keynote at Data2Day, October 24, 2019. Pfalzbau, Ludwigshafen, Germany, Link to .PDF:
- „Z-inspection: Towards a process to assess Ethical AI“ – Roberto V. Zicari- With contributions from: Irmhild van Halem, Matthew Eric Bassett, Karsten Tolle, Timo Eichhorn, Todor Ivanov. CAPCO INSTITUTE: „BIG DATA AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: ETHICAL AND SOCIETAL IMPLICATIONS“, Tuesday, 22 October 2019 | Opernplatz 14 | 60313 Frankfurt am Main, LINK to .PDF:
- „The Ethical Societal, Political and Cultural Implications of AI“ – Roberto V. Zicari, October 18, 2019, Frankfurt Creative AI Conference (at the BookFair Frankfurt) Germany, Link to presentation .PDF:
- „Z-inspection: Towards a process to assess Ethical AI“ – Roberto V. Zicari – With contributions from: Irmhild van Halem, Matthew Eric Bassett, Karsten Tolle, Timo Eichhorn, Todor Ivanov. October 2,2019 – San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, Link to presentation .PDF:
- „Z-inspection: Towards a process to assess Ethical AI“ – Roberto V. Zicari – With contributions from: Irmhild van Halem, Matthew Eric Bassett, Karsten Tolle, Timo Eichhorn, Todor Ivanov. – September 16, 2019, Google, Mountain View (Global HQ), CA, Link to presentation .PDF:
- „Towards An Inspection process to assess Ethical AI: A case study in health care“. – Roberto V. Zicari – With contributions from: Irmhild van Halem, Matthew Eric Bassett, Karsten Tolle, Timo Eichhorn, Todor Ivanov. – JST-ISSIP Workshop – AI and physical, mental, and societal health – August 26, 2019, IBM Almaden, 650 Harry Rd, San Jose, CA 95120, Link to presentation .PDF:
- „On the need of an Ethical AI Due Diligence“ — 1st joined lecture of Data Research Centre, Campus Fryslân and DataFryslân. June 28, 2019 –University of Groningen, Campus Fryslan, The Netherlands. Presentation Link to .PDF:ân.2019.pdf
- Keynote: Workshop #AI@GU – part 2 , May 28th, 2019, University of Gothenburg, Sweden – Link to the presentation (.PDF):
- AI TALK: On the need of an Ethical AI Due Diligence, May 27th, 2019, University of Gothenburg, Sweden – Link to the presentation (.PDF):
- On the Need of an Ethical AI Due Diligence, talk at the Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung (ISOE), Frankfurt, on May 7, 2019. – Link to presentation (.PDF):
- The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Lunchtime Dialogues @ ESOC, ESOC, Darmstadt, March 6 – Copy of presentation (Link to .PDF: )
- „The Ethics of AI“ – Talk at the meet up „Big Data and Society- Ethical implications of Big Data and Advanced Analytics“, February 5, 2019 — Main Incubator, Frankfurt, Link to Slides in PDF:
- Big Data and AI– Ethical and Societal implications
- Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, January 28, 2019. – Link to .PDF:
- UC Berkeley, October 16, 2018. – Link to .PDF:
- Link to Public Comments:
- „The Human Side of AI”, The Science Innovation Union, Goethe University Frankfurt, November 20th, 2017, Link (.PDF) :
- „Big Data and The Great AI Awakening— Ethical and Societal Implications“, Int`l CAPP Conference. Berlin, November 16, 2017, Link (.PDF):
- „Big Data and The Great A.I. Awakening.“ 7 Konferenz für Sozial-und Wirtschaftdaten in Berlin, RatSWD. February 9, 2017, Link (.PDF):
- „Big Data: A data driven society?”, Goethe University, Lecture series Big Data, Internet of Things and Data Science. Thursday April 30th, 2015
- Mindful Use of AI. Z-Inspection: A holistic and analytic process to assess Ethical AI – Roberto V. Zicari,Frankfurt Big Data Lab, July 2, 2020, Youtube video: and pdf slides:
- Prof. Zicari gave an impulse talk at the high-profile German Parliamentary AI examination committee.
Die Mitglieder der Enquete-Kommission „Künstliche Intelligenz – Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung und wirtschaftliche, soziale und ökologische Potenziale“ haben sich am Montag, 10. Februar 2020, in ihrer Sitzung mit Feinheiten einer möglichen Regulierung algorithmischer Entscheidungssysteme (ADM-Systeme) befasst. Fünf Sachverständige trugen dazu in öffentlicher Sitzung unter Leitung von Kommissionsmitglied Ronja Kemmer (CDU/CSU) vor.
Professor Roberto V. Zicari (Initiative Z-inspection) betonte in seinem Vortag die Bedeutung von Vertrauen im Einsatz von Systemen der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Zicari verwies wiederholt auf Empfehlungen der Datenethik-Kommission. Er empfahl unter anderem, dass der Staat keine proprietären KI-Systeme einsetzen sollte, die mit Berufung auf Geschäftsgeheimnisse Transparenz verhinderten.
Das Video der Anhörung ist jetzt in der Mediathek des Bundestags abrufbar: „
- „Z-inspection: Towards a process to assess Ethical AI“ – Roberto V. Zicari – With contributions from: Irmhild van Halem, Matthew Eric Bassett, Karsten Tolle, Timo Eichhorn, Todor Ivanov, Jesmin Jahan Tithi. CSGI(Cognitive Systems Group) Talk, Oct.31, 2019, Youtube video:
- „Big Data for the Common Good“ – Keynote TEDxRheinMain “Datanauts, July 11, 2015., Link (YouTube video):
- „Big Data: A Data Driven Society?“ – Stanford Seminar, Colloquium on Computer Systems Seminar Series (EE380), Stanford University, Oct 30, 2014. LINK (YouTube video) :
- Z-Inspection® Web Site.
- Data for Humanity:
(*) Source: Marktwirtschaft und Moral: Wie Werte das Vertrauen in die Ökonomie stärken Norbert Walter, – 24. September 2009